Sunday, September 06, 2009

Happy Birthday Suzie-Q

Grandma Siemens' birthday was September 5th. While she wasn't here to blow out her candles, I still sang happy birthday to her. I figure if I sing loud enough, or believe hard enough, she can hear me in heaven.

Happy Birthday Grandma. I miss you every day.

I miss your "big hugs" you gave us always.
I miss the way you would cut our oranges so we could always still hold the handle and not get our fingers sticky.
I miss your fried zucchini. Yum.
I miss the way you would always beat us at cards, no matter what we were playing.
I miss that you would never leave the house without your hair up in a scarf.
I miss the way that we could never leave a restaurant without a napkin still tucked in your belt.
I miss the way you would read us the newspaper, even when you thought we weren't listening.
I miss the funny noises you would make when you didn't believe our stories.
I miss the new German words we learned for things around the kitchen, and some words I'm sure we weren't supposed to learn when you were mad at Grandpa.
I miss the way you would save the wrapping on Christmas and birthday presents, so we could always use them later.
I miss the way you would save everything for a rainy day.
I miss having "coffee break".
I miss having you tell us we were too skinny, and we needed to eat more.
I miss having super toasted toast that would crunch when we bit down on it.
I miss all that kitchen drawer full of Dentyne.
I miss the red scarf you always used to wear.

I miss you and your smiling face, and running up your driveway to give you hugs on our visits.

Happy Birthday Grandma. I miss you.