Friday, September 25, 2009

The Sabie Palazzo Resort, Palm Springs

Last weekend, Kyle and I decided we needed to get away and relax for a bit. We were lucky enough to score reservations at the Sabie Palazzo Resort in beautiful Palm Springs! Coming from foggy Ventura, we were ready for some sun and relaxation, and the Sabie Palazzo had just what we needed! The draw of the Sabie Palazzo is irresistable with its fine hosts, Ed and Ellen, living arrangements designed with peace and quiet in mind, outdoor salt water pool, and all the sun you can take in. For an added bonus, there were birthday festivities going on that weekend, as our dear host, Ed, turned 65!

Upon arrival Friday evening, we were met in the front yard by the Dusty the cat, master of the welcoming committee. He lives next door and was happy to walk up and talk to us about our stay. He loves to chat, and told us all about the great things we would be doing that weekend. The best part is, he works for hugs and a bowl of milk. Friday evening we welcomed sleep with open arms, knowing a weekend of fun was waiting for us on the flip side. Saturday morning started off with a great breakfast, followed by a trip to Steinmart and burgers for lunch! It was then time for NASCAR and Notre Dame football. I read a book and took a nap, while Kyle watched Notre Dame win their game (thank goodness). Saturday night we all went to dinner at the Jackalope Ranch for Ed's birthday. This restaurant is a must-see if you're in town, as it is placed on a sprawling landscape, and is even more dazzling at night than during the day. We must have been worn out when we got back to our suite, as I slept in until 11am the next day! I woke up to find the house totally quiet, with Kyle out relaxing and getting a tan in the pool. After a bit of football on TV and a scrumptous lunch, it was time to pack up and head back home (bummer). Although we were sad to have to leave, knowing we can come back again made us very excited. The drive home seemed much shorter as we were able to listen to the Bears game on the radio - GO BEARS!

We loved this resort and definitely plan to return again! I highly recommend a visit. Ed and Ellen are lovely hosts, and great to spend a weekend with. Availability is limited, make your reservations soon!