Monday, August 24, 2009

Bacon 'n Eggs...and Cocktails?

This weekend found us in a bit of a funk. We were busy, but when the time came to sit down and do something fun, we were at a loss for what to do with ourselves.

Saturday Kyle went out golfing, while I ran my errands and visited Casa de Comer for lunch and playtime with Jason and the kitties. Saturday night rolled around, and Kyle and I weren't really sure what to do with ourselves. We watched the Dodgers vs. Cubs game, and had put our minds together to go out to dinner and a movie, but never really got dressed and ready to go in time. We had a snack, and that pretty much did us in. Finally, about 10:30pm, we decide we were, at the very least, hungry. What do we make? Bacon and eggs and cocktails! Everyone should at least have bacon and eggs for dinner every now and then, cocktails are optional. I must say the cocktails do help the grease from the bacon go down a bit smoother.

Sunday morning Kyle surprised me with breakfast in bed! I think that was my hint it was time to get out of bed, but it was yummy just the same. We ran around and did the grocery shopping, had a wonderful lunch at home, and then decided it was time to go to the park and play. We both have soccer in our past, but that's pretty much where we left it, until now! We went over to the park to kick the soccer ball around, and promised not to hurt each other, much less not hurt ourselves. We had a great time playing out in the sun, and realized just how out of "soccer shape" we really are.

We are still very excited about our new water filter! After 4 years of living in the condo, we can finally run the dishwasher with ease. The new water filter also makes washing the car so much easier as well! The Murano was very happy last night to get a bath and drove to work that much faster, after becoming more aerodynamically clean.

Yesterday also gave me the chance to go through a few old family photos and scan them to share with the rest of our family. Here are few of my favorites so far...

Mom and Dad getting married, and Mom, Dad, me, and Jason in mom's tummy.

Jason, dressed in Grandpa Comer's Marine uniform jacket from the 1940's. I can't believe he fit in it. Below that is a picture of Kyle when he was little.

More pictures to come later!