Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Wonder What They are Really Saying...

Yes, I know, I am behind on my 7th Anniversary posting - HOWEVER - this was way cuter and made me laugh out loud, so here you go.

I give you...Twin Baby Boys Have a Conversation - Part 1. No, I don't know the boys, but they have been all over youtube and facebook and email, so I thought I'd share them with you.

It's almost as if they are talking about making their mom dinner, or why the sky is blue, but mostly I think they are arguing why one has a sweater on and the other does not. I like how they also do synchronized gymnastics on the couch at the end.

In Part 2, I'd like to think they are talking about global domination, or how to make world peace, or whirled peas for that matter, but I think they are mostly arguing about why one of them is missing a sock.

The parents of these twins also have a blog of their own. Feel free to check it out.
