Sunday, September 05, 2010

Labor Day Weekend = Lots of Labor

This weekend Kyle and I have been busy, and it's not even over yet! Yesterday we got up early and ran errands until the early afternoon, and today Kyle attacked the front yard.  It is a constant never-ending battle of us vs. the crabgrass. Most of our neighbors' yards are more crabgrass than regular grass, and every time it rains or is windy, more seeds jump into our lawn. We have both been weeding a few hours every weekend, and today Kyle finished it up.  He pulled out all the remaining crabgrass, mowed the lawn, and then sprayed for weeds. I stayed upstairs trying to organize the closets and empty the remaining boxes we have.  We still have to put fertilizer down to kill weeds and bugs (ouch, they bite), and help the grass grow, but we're off to a good start!