Saturday, June 05, 2010

Fun with Family Pictures

My gift to you today - Grandpa Jake and Grandma Sue, with Grandpa Jake's mother, Maria (my mom's Grandma Siemens). Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 1953.
(Thanks to my friend Josh for offering to photo shop the picture and make it that much better! New-improved picture is now posted.)

I love Grandpa's glasses and his haircut. I love how tall he is. I love Grandma's dress, I love her hair. I love the scarf around her neck that she wore all the time for as long as I can remember. I am sure I can only imagine how hard Great Grandma Maria Siemens worked in her lifetime - note that she did it in a blouse, skirt and belt mind you - and how hard Grandpa Jake and Grandma Siemens worked.

It's good to know where you come from so you can figure out where you're going.