Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

Saturday, May 22 was Dad's 61st birthday! 61, going on 25 I think. Dad can still run circles around us - and when I say run, I mean RUN. Dad still runs a few times a week and is in the best shape of anyone I know his age.

Mom was out of town for Dad's birthday, so we tried to think of something really exciting. Jason, Kyle and I decided it would be great for all of us to go to the indoor racetrack, and then off to a fun place for dinner. We drove over, picked up Dad and Jason, and headed out to MB2 raceway. Besides the fact that the staff there leaves customer service to the imagination, the four of us had a great time racing, bumping each other out of the way, and really trying our hardest to win.  The best part is that they keep track of your score, so you can continue to go back and improve on your best time, and see where you rank amongst all the other racers. I think we gave Dad the bug because he and Jason have been trying to get back there ever since!

After racing, we were all hungry, and headed over to The Lazy Dog Cafe. Beers were consumed, smiles were had, and tummies were filled with great food. After dinner, it was home for a surprise ice cream cake! We even sang Dad our best rendition of Happy Birthday, and watched him blow out the candle. All in all, we were full and tired, but had a great day. Can't wait to go back and race again! Now that we all know what we are doing, the fight is on!

In honor of Dad's birthday, here are a few pics from way back when...the top picture is Dad when he was 6 months old in Kansas.

Here's Dad in a suit - check out the eyebrows. You can tell he's getting ready to yell at someone for something - probably for taking his picture. We've gotten to know that look well over the years. 
Dad at his 5th birthday party, 1954. Dad is in the middle with the flat top haircut, holding arms with the boy in the suspenders.