Tuesday, February 09, 2010

You Always Learn Something New...

The toilet tank handle in our master bathroom has been leaking, and until we can get some time on the weekend to fix it, we've been using the other bathroom instead. Plus, it makes it more fun in the middle of the night to try and find your way across the living room without turning lights on, and without kicking the table with your kneecap.

With this in mind, here's a fun little conversation we had last night.

Kyle: (coming out of the other bathroom) Punkin, what are you doing with the shower curtain in there? Why is it always half-open?

Me: I open it to see who's back there when I go to the bathroom. I don't like to not know what's back there.

Kyle: Really? But it's the bathroom, and it's our shower. What could be in there?

Me: You never know, that's why I like to see. If you're going to sit there with your pants down, you should at least know what you're dealing with. I do it all the time.

Kyle: (rolls his eyes and looks at me like I'm crazy) Really? All the time? I never knew that.

Me: Well, now you do. Put a star on the calendar. (hahahaha)

We then commenced the tooth brush giggle fight, in which one tries to make the other person gag and spit while brushing ones teeth. You have to see who last the longest without spitting up, whilst also brushing their own teeth until the electric toothbrush says you're done.

Oh yes, hours of entertainment in our house. Ha!