Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Softball, NASCAR, and Julia Child

This weekend, just like a few years in the past, Kyle and I agreed to boycott Valentine’s Day. Mostly we do this because it falls on or around a 3-day weekend, and we usually have other plans. This weekend was no different, as we had a jam-packed schedule.
Sunday morning I was off to the Cal Lu softball alumni game, while Kyle stayed home to take in the glory that is the Daytona 500. With fewer alumni than expected showing up (only 11 alumni showed up, and 2 of those were 8 months pregnant and there just to cheer us on), we had to make some last minute position changes. I wound up playing short-stop, which is not my favorite position on the field, but definitely doable in a pinch. I think defensively we played a great game; however the difference between our team and the current Cal Lu team is in the offensive hitting. Mostly, it is just that our timing is off from not hitting fast-pitch for so long. Towards the end of the game we finally figured it out, but by then we had lost. I can’t remember if the score was 6-1 or 8-1, or maybe 6-0? It doesn’t matter. We even turned a few double plays out there! We had a fun time out there laughing and having a great time, and I saw a few girlfriends I hadn’t seen in quite some time. My biggest hug went to K.T., who drove all the way out from Fresno to play with us! It was fantastic to see K.T. and her husband again, as well as meet her two little boys.
I must say that sadly, we did have an injury on the field. During our infield warm-ups, Jenaye was throwing a ball from right field to home and caught her cleat in the grass, thus popping her knee a bit and fell down. At first, we were giggling with the fact that none of us were fielding our positions perfectly. When Jenaye did not get up right away, we knew something was wrong. Alumni Coach Kecia checked Jenaye’s knee out and determined she was out for the game. After a trip to the emergency room, it was determined that Jenaye tore the ACL in her knee, and will need surgery to fix it. Ouch. Our hearts and good wishes go out to her in the next couple of weeks.
I did wake up sore in a few places Monday morning, but nothing like I expected. I jumped out of bed Monday morning and said “Oh, hello hamstrings, there you are.” My hips were a bit sore too, but not my back! That just means while I might have been slow out on the field, I at least had good fundamental form while doing it. Being sore isn’t a bad thing either; it’s a good kind of sore. It’s the kind of sore that reminds the body that you have muscles that like to work, muscles that like to be strong and like to prove what they can do every day. I must listen to my muscles more often and take them up on their offer.
Monday morning, Kyle headed out for a golf tournament and I jumped in the car to go visit Grandpa Lew for a bit. When we both got home, we were tired and cranky, and decided a movie was the best way to go. We wound up watching “Julie & Julia”, which of course, we both loved from start to finish. It made us want to open a bottle of red wine while we watched it, but we held off. I am now totally in love with Julia Child and want to bone my own duck, just to see how it turns out. You simply cannot watch that movie without shouting a few of your own “Bonjour”’s out loud. It’s very addictive. My favorite Kyle quote after watching the movie has to be,
“They lived above a pizzeria! Why didn’t they ever just order pizza?”
In honor of how much fun I’ve had today looking up old Julia Child video clips, here is a simple way to make an omelet, Julia Child style.