Monday, November 02, 2009

Herkimer's Heroes!

I'd like to give a shout-out and BIG THANKS to everyone who donated to Herkimer's Heroes for the Alzheimer's Walk last Saturday. The walk was a success, and we had a great time participating in it. Jason and I drove down to Huntington Beach to join up with the rest of our crew to walk on the big day.

In the above picture, team members are from left to right: Steve, Jason, Mandi, Uncle Buck, cousin Robyn, Aunt Barbara, and cousin Terri (holding sign). In the back are Jim (holding Jack) and cousin Todd (holding Ethan). Grace is front and center holding the sign.

A huge thank you to cousin Terri for setting this whole thing up for our family and getting us all organized. The fact that she got 10 of us to show up in one place at the right time is, in itself, an amazing task. Our team name - Herkimer's Heroes - was in honor of Grandpa Comer's favorite alter ego - Herkimer J. Snodgrass, III. Our team raised over $2,600, and came in 7th place out of all the teams that day for fundraising! Overall, the teams that walked on Saturday raised $150,000. If you combine that with estimated donations raised from the other half of the Orange County the week before, we are nearing a quarter of one million dollars!

After our walk, Terri, Jason and I went over to visit Grandpa. He was excited to see us, knowing we were going to break him out and take him out to lunch! We headed over to Mimi's for way too much food. Grandpa was excited to have a chicken burger, complete with avocado and bacon. He was the only one to finish his entire burger! Throughout lunch, he was excited to talk to us about what each of us was doing, and where we had been lately. By the end of lunch, I think we wore him out, as he was getting pretty sleepy. We made it back just in time to turn on football and say good night so Grandpa could nap after a big lunch. After the day we had, we all felt like we needed naps too! It was a great way to spend the day.
Thanks again, for all your help and support, from Grandpa and I both!