Sunday, August 02, 2009

Breakfast with the 'Stang

This weekend, Kyle started out early Saturday morning to golf, so I got up and took the Murano over to Mom and Dad's to give it a good old-fashioned wash and clean-up. Dad, Jason and I washed cars in the driveway, just like back in the old-days (minus the beer). After the Murano was shiny and clean, and all softball dirt had been removed, it was time to clean Jason's car. After lunch, and playing with the two new kitties that now reside at mom and dad's house, Dad took me out for a refresher course in how to drive the Mustang. Now, I can drive a stick, but every now and then I need a little warm-up refresher course and practice. After Dad was satisfied that I would not hurt myself (or the car), he let me trade the Murano for the Mustang for the weekend. Woohoo! If you saw a green Mustang zooming around Camarillo or Ventura this wasn't me.

Sunday morning, we woke up early and decided to go out for breakfast. Since Kyle had yet to drive the Mustang, and we were up for an adventure, we decided to head up to Carpinteria for breakfast. We found a cute little breakfast cafe called The Worker Bee Cafe. We consumed eggs, bacon, waffles, and magical pancakes. Totally worth the drive. We weren't ready to go home yet, so we took the round-about route to get home. We came back down the 150 - back down through the beautiful countryside, on the other side of Lake Casitas, and down through Ojai. It was an amazing drive, and added calmness to our weekend that I think we both needed.

After our adventure, we stopped off to trade the cars back. We did manage to return the 'stang safe and sound, with a full gas tank, and no scratches! A fun time was had by all, and we did get to tease our love for the old school muscle cars a bit. Now where to go next weekend???