Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Kyle and I have had a busy past few weekends, which explains the slacking in the blogging department. Between Kyle golfing every weekend, and me playing in all our summer softball tournaments, it seems we have been going back to work to get a break from our weekends. Kyle also recently painted our bedroom and bathroom, not to mention put up wainscoting, and we finally ordered matching bedroom furniture. After 5 years of marriage, we felt it was about time.
Therefore, henceforth and so on, we decided this 4th of July weekend, we were going to take a break and relax and remember who we married. We have been referring to each other lately as "that married person I live with", so it was about time to remind ourselves.

Kyle worked on Friday, which was perfect because the furniture was delivered that afternoon and then we could reorganize everything from scratch. It's amazing how much you can give away to the thrift store when you actually have to go through it piece by piece and put it back in a new dresser. We even have one empty dresser drawer! That never happens. I'm sure we'll find something to put in it soon.

Saturday we walked the street fair on Main Street in Ventura. It was full of booths selling all kinds of wares, not to mention the best BBQ we've had in quite some time. We filled our tummies with tri-tip, pulled pork sandwiches, smoked corn, and lemonade! It was a great way to spend the afternoon.

Not to be outdone, Kyle cooked an amazing steak dinner Saturday night. We dined on yummy steak, grilled corn, and my favorite - grilled red potatoes! Add a little Pellegrino with lime, and a lovely pinot noir, and we were happy campers.
After dinner, we walked about a mile from our house into the next neighborhood to watch the fireworks from Ventura College. You can see them from miles around. All sorts of people were out in the streets to look at the fireworks in the sky. We'd like to think all that walking evened out all the calories from dinner, but I doubt it.

Upon returning, we decided the best way to finish off the 4th was to have strawberry shortcake. Kyle thought we also needed a riesling to drink as well. Who am I to argue with such logic? It was a great way to end a fabulous day hanging out with the hubby.
Now, I know the 4th of July is when we officially declared independence from Great Britain, in fact, according to Wiki..."In the United States, Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain."

However, I would like to stand up and cheer and scream and smile and say a huge THANK YOU to anyone wearing a military uniform, past, present, and future, who defends our country and fights for things most of us take for granted. If I could, I would line up to give each and everyone one of you a hug. For now, I will have to settle with hugging total strangers in uniform on the streets and airports instead. Happy 4th!