Monday, October 27, 2008

I Don’t Get It

Think about this. What is the one thing you want for a loved one more than anything else? Besides success, a roof over their head, better education, more opportunities blah blah blah…when it comes right down to it, I wish them happiness. Does what you’re doing make you happy? Yes? Then that’s it.

Keeping that in mind, imagine this.

You get a knock on your door, and it’s your neighbors.

They tell you they’ve all voted, and decided that you are much too fat to be married to such a skinny wife, and they don’t think you should be married.

Or they all voted, and you are much too old to marry such a young husband, and they don’t think you should be married.

Or they all voted, and because you are from different states, or different family backgrounds, or graduated in different years of college…they don’t think you should be married.

Shall we go back 50 years (or fewer?) to a time when people did vote and a black person and white person could not be married? In fact, if two people who were of different races made love, it was a misdemeanor as long as they were not married. If they married, it was a felony.

It seems like voting to see who can get married and who cannot is such a huge step backwards for this country. Only 44 years ago (just a minute piece of time in the lifetime of a country), The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that outlawed racial segregation in schools, public places, and employment. Most people nowadays look back and wonder what the heck were they thinking, even starting segregation to begin with? Some people hope that old ideas die out with old generations. It is a hope that 40 or so years from now, people look back at this vote and wonder what the heck were we doing even voting about it?

We could even go back further and all vote again to see if we even want to continue to allow women to vote at all.

So why is it okay for us now to vote if two men or two women can get married? Are we really saying, Sorry, if only one of you ladies had a penis, then we wouldn’t be bothering you at all.

Happiness. Happiness is what has been forgotten here. Of all the people on the planet, to find that one person who makes you smile, makes you feel safe, makes you feel LOVED…the one person who you know in your heart you want to spend the rest of your life with them and the rest of your life can’t start soon enough – and we are holding a vote to see if we want to allow that or not? That’s insane. It makes me so angry that I can’t even get the words out of my mouth fast enough to express how mad I am. It is so far past being inhumane and rude, to the point of who do the hell do you think you are to tell me who I can and cannot marry

That’s like telling me all the white girls over 150 pounds can’t sit in the front of the bus, move to the back. You still get to where you are going, but the AC rarely makes it to the back, so it might be a bit hotter back there. You’re separate, but equal, because you still get to where you are going. Really? I think I’d rather walk than be on that bus at all thank you very much. The fact that your own term comes with a disclaimer, “separate, but equal”, should be enough to prove the point.

Why does it matter? How does it impact you so greatly that you get to vote how somene else spends their happiness? I’m not at your door telling you to put down the Twinkie because I’m tired of staring at obese people on my street. In fact, I think if we voted on that it would be considered “discriminatory”. And this is different, how exactly?

Why does it matter? I don’t get it. Happiness is happiness, no matter what form it comes in.