Friday, January 10, 2014

Here I Am!

Hello world, meet Grant. He's been here for nearly 4 weeks now! Thought we'd share some pictures of his adventures so far. We haven't been out of the house much, as (-5) degrees isn't really fitting for an infant, but hopefully soon we can go out and about and see what this crazy world has to offer. Until then, we are having fun inside!
Brand New

Hello, how are you?

This is my Dad. He's cool. 

This is Mom and Dad. Don't know why Mom looks so tired. Do you know the work I went through to get here? I even had a vacuum on my head!

Dad says I'm ready to go. Where are we going? I just got here. 

Pretty cool so far. I get a snazzy outfit and my own special seat in the car. WAIT, what? No one told me I had ears on my hat or a polar bear on my bum. 

Practicing my ninja skills on the way home.

Well hello blue eyes.

My buddy Toby was very happy to have his people home again. They were gone for so long!

Toby is checking me out. We were fast friends. 

4 days after birth and 2 days after I got home -  my first doctor appointment. I'm still a bit scrawny.

 Heeyyy ladies, how you doin'?

 Two Weeks Old...Okay, Maybe Three. 
Hello again blue eyes.

Contemplating Einstein's theory of relativity... or pooping. Nope, I think I was having a chat with Mom. 

Checking out the world around me. 

Three to Four Weeks Old
Having a chat with Dad. It was snowing outside and he was telling me all about the storm.

Good thing we had saved up food for the storm. I was so hungry, I was starting to bite the hand that feeds me.

This is my "be cool and dress like Dad" outfit. 

I really like to hold hands...mine or anyone else's. 

Dressed and ready to help Dad work in the garage! Right after I figure out where my nose is.

I must admit, Mom dressed me on this one. She said it is always a good idea to pair a vest over long sleeves to help stay warm in winter. I think it makes me look cute.

I turn one month old this Sunday! Get ready for more pictures to come soon! As my buddy Toby says:

Until our next adventure, keep on smiling, snuggling and smelling the world around you!

Big hugs,
Mandi, Kyle, Grant and Toby