Wednesday, February 12, 2014

8 Weeks!

Hello all, Grant here!

I just had my 8 week check-up and man am I big and strong! As the doctor said, "He was born to eat and grow." I really like my doctor.

Here's a reminder of where I started:
Born: December 15, 2013
7 pounds 12 ounces
20 inches long

And now...just 8 short weeks later...
12 pounds 12 ounces (90%)
24.25 inches long (98%)
And I have a big ol' noggin at 40.5 cm (98%) - Have you seen both of my parents? They have huge noggins!

Here are some of my favorite activities when I was 7 weeks old:

Nap time on the Ponderosa - or as my mom says "if I hurry I can shower...and maybe do some laundry."

I tried being a Jedi and using the Force, but I must not know how to work it yet. May I have some milk...please?

 WAIT - why is Toby going outside to go to the bathroom? You make him poop OUTSIDE?

No way man, that's crazy.

8 Week Fun...
Sometimes I have accidents and my diapers can't handle everything. That's when Mom and Dad step in to save the day and get me some clean clothes. The other day I must have been a really good pooper because Mom threw the whole shirt away without even cleaning it! Silly mom. 

I have lots of fun at bath time. I especially like to try to talk to Mom and Dad. I like to feel clean and warm. I'm not super excited about the whole idea of getting naked in the water part, but I like the warm and fuzzy part after.

Here's Toby. He follows me around the house where ever I go. Mom and I went to breakfast the other day, and Toby must have been worried when we were gone. When Mom let Toby in the garage, he ran right past her and over to my side of the car to say hi to me first! I love Toby.

If you still have time, here are a few videos of me trying to talk. I'm almost there! I'll get it sooner or later.

4 weeks - Milk Induced Coma:

6 weeks - Having Fun on my Tummy:

8 weeks - Copying Mom. Turn your speakers up and listen around seconds 4-7.

Until our next adventure, keep on smiling, snuggling, and smelling the world around you!

Big hugs,
Mandi, Kyle, Grant and Toby