Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Two Days in the Valley

Last weekend my little truck was busy. I went from Ventura to North Hollywood to Teluca Lake and back home, only to get up again and go back to North Hollywood, Glendale, and back home. It was all done in the name of love, friends, and good times.

Saturday afternoon found me at Alma's baby shower. Alma and I have been friends ever since we both started at work - which makes it almost 7 years. In those 7 years, I've been to her house twice, both on this weekend. I had to put these pictures in because her tummy is so darn cute and she is going to be one of the best mommies ever. I finally got to meet her parents, who are wonderful, caring people, and made the party so much fun. Her dad was constantly running around the party making sure we were having a great time. She and I share a similar sense of humor, and she is helping me to learn Spanish - mostly by speaking it to me at work, in which I speak back to her in English and hardly realize I translated a language in my head. I love her like a sister and will miss her terribly while she is on maternity leave.

These are her two doggies, Rocky (the little one), and Buddy (the big one on the right). I had to put them in because she has had pictures of these doggies on her desk forever, and I know tons of stories about them. They were at the shower too, and happy to give hugs to anyone who came close enough to the tree they were tied up to.

After the shower, it was off to my friend Elizabeth's 40th birthday party at her mom's house. Yes, I can say she's 40 because it was on the invitation, darn it. Elizabeth and I met in grad school, and can truly say we are "college buddies", even though we are separated by just over a decade. We laugh at the same things, smile at the same things, and have both ditched work together in the past to go to the opening day of Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest. We have a date for the third movie as well, whenever it comes out.

On Sunday, I drove back to Alma's house. She and her husband Chris were nice enough to let me carpool with them to our friend Patricia's wedding. That is Patricia and Tony in the picture below. Patricia was beautiful, the wedding was spectacular, and the food was awesome. Any wedding that starts off the reception with a bottle of Johnnie Walker on the table has to be good. I also added a picture of Alma and Chris dancing at the reception. I mean really, who doesn't smile and giggle a bit inside when they look at a beautiful pregnant woman in a red dress dancing on the dance floor with her husband? Alma is the cutest thing since sliced bread, and we can't wait for the arrival of her little one - coming soon!

Sara (left) and Shawna (right) were at the wedding too. Sara just gave birth just over 5 months ago and is already back to her smokin' hot bod. It was great to see all the girls two days in a row! We were like a traveling party that didn't know when to quit. Below is a picture of the chair dance at Patricia's wedding. Patricia mostly held on for dear life, while Tony clapped and danced. A great time was had by all. It was a wondeful way to finish up the weekend.

When I got home, Kyle was already there. He had gone to Palm Springs for the weekend to play with his parents and Joe. We shared the many stories of our weekend, and collapsed into sleep. Work seems to come earlier and earlier every Monday morning.