Monday, November 13, 2006

Ava and Tina

Last weekend we had lots of fun. Our friends Kris and Kelly and little Ava were in town from Arizona. We met them for lunch on Saturday and had a blast hanging out with adorable Ava. She is 3 months old now, and a total cuddlebum. After lunch we went shopping together, and had to resist the urge to buy Ava every cute winter skibunny outfit we saw in the store. They had to go home on Sunday, but we hope to get out to Arizona to see them soon.

Saturday night we went to my friend Tina's 40th birthday party. Everyone had a grand ol' time. When a party has a DJ, coolers of drinks, food on every table, and a margarita machine, how can you not have a good time? Where are the pictures you ask? You see, that's the beauty of it. We are all smarter than than and know better than to take pictures. Maybe next time. Happy Birthday Tina!!