Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Snow" were the Days

Yes, I just did a snow pun.

We had some fun this morning with the snow, and I use the term "fun" loosely. It started snowing about 11pm last night, and we knew we could be getting about 3-4 inches before this morning. We set our alarms early to get up and see what we had to do in order to get to work...and this is what we woke up to.

 These two pictures were taken about 7:00am, after Kyle had worked for nearly 45 minutes to dig out a runway for the Murano to get out of the driveway. I hurried behind putting down the ice-melt stuff, but the snow was coming down faster than the ice-melt was working. Last week when we did this, the runway lasted all week. We shall see how this week goes. I have no idea why the pictures are blue, except to say that it was still pretty dark and I'm sure the camera was cold.

 More of the same. Just wanted to show the 4 inches Kyle dug through. I was so happy that he was home this time and I didn't have to dig it all out myself  like last time. hee hee.
 Here's what the garage and driveway looked like. You can see how deep the snow was, and it was still falling. It's supposed to snow most of today as well. I also swept out the garage. The snow on the car from last night melted and created nice puddles in the garage. Also, seeing as the driveway isn't really flat, when it gets really cold, the water makes a nice little black ice pond. Ask Kyle's shoulder how great a black ice pond is when you fall down on it. Ouch.
 Proof that you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. We left Kyle's car out in the street and my car in the garage, just to try to leave ourselves with options. After shoveling for 45 minutes, we decide that Kyle's car is too buried to get out, and even if we did get it out, it wasn't going to go anywhere on that street. Kyle wound up taking my car to work (all wheel drive button that works very nicely) and I stayed home to work on my laptop. Thank goodness I brought my laptop home with me yesterday!
 We had been making jokes about how Kyle's car was "the big mean truck" and didn't mind playing in the snow, and that my car was the dainty one that liked to stay in the garage. After driving my car to work today, Kyle called to say that my car is a million times better in the snow! Ha ha. Point for my car.

We are definitely not whining about the snow, just documenting our trials and tribulations with it. I think it is still a novelty with us, however if you talk to Kyle this morning after driving to work in it, I think he's done with it. I was the California kid again this morning, outside taking pictures with my camera. I'll post those soon. Just wanted to share our fun with you. Love and hugs.