Monday, December 13, 2010

OHMYGOSH, it Snowed!

Sunday morning we woke up early to a beautiful blanket of newly fallen snow. Of course, being the two 5 year old kids that we can be sometimes, we jumped out of bed, put on our clothes, and went to go play in it before anyone else messed it up. There are a lot more pictures where these came from. Look at the ones below, then click HERE to see the rest.

It is always better to throw the first snow ball, than to have a wet head and throw the second one.

Frozen house. Frozen bum. 

Front porch with a Christmas wreath, all covered in snow.

Kyle ready to play. 

Trying to first see if we can "sweep" the light dusty snow out of the way. 

Kyle took the car out for a spin and here is where it used to be. 

Um...the car wouldn't make it back up the driveway. 

Kyle shoveled ALL THAT SNOW! What a trooper. 

Another shot from 7am that morning when we first woke up.

Our driveway is right next to those bushes. Can't you see it? It's there, on the left.

Lucky for us we went out to play in it early. We were tired and worn out by 10:45 or so. As the day went on, it actually got COLDER and the snow turned into big ice blocks. By then we were snuggled up on the couch watching football. 
Now that we've had our first snow, I'm sure we won't take nearly as many pictures the next time around. Wait, yes we will! Now that we have the hang of it, we are ready to go! Kyle let me wear his old snowboarding bibs, and he had two layer of pants on. We bought awesome snow gloves at Costco for $14.99 a pair - worth every penny. I have on rain boots from Target ($19.99) and two pairs of socks. It was awesome! Here's to the next snow. Now we just need to make it happen on a weekend again so we can play in it.