Saturday, May 01, 2010

Second Place in Kick-Ball!

Remember that game we all played in elementary school with a soccer ball - kickball? We played it Friday night, officially. Kick-ball was one of the events of the Ventura County Corporate Games this year. We put a coed team together, went out on the field, and did quite well for ourselves! Second place isn't too shabby.

Kick-ball is played somewhat like softball or baseball, except that the ball is a 14" red playground ball that bounces all kinds of crazy ways.  We thought we did our due diligence and looked up the Official Kickball Rules online (yes, there is even an official league).  However, this is where my biggest gripe about the corporate games kicks in. Most of the games are modified in favor of "just having fun" and not really played by any sort of specific rules we could learn ahead of time.  There were many difference between the official kickball rules and the rules we played by in our first game last night. After we won and moved over to the next field with a new umpire, we quickly learned that a new umpire and new field meant a whole new set of rules to learn. There is a part of me that doesn't mind too much, as long as both teams are playing the same set of rules, but if the reason to have the corporate games is to get everyone in on the fun, then at least tell teams which rules are going to be modified so we can teach those on our team before we get to the field. The inconsistency is what bugs me the most.

All in all, we did have a great time and with 3 25-minute games, we were in and out in no time with our 2nd place medal. What does it look like? Look down below at the softball blog - same medal, just now I have two of them! Great job team.