Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fun Day with Mom

This past Friday was "fun day out with Mom" day. We bought two tickets to the Angels game vs. Oakland, and headed out to Anaheim. The best part was on our way to the game, we were able to stop by Grandpa's place and have dinner with him. Grandpa is doing great and was very happy to see us and have some time to hang out. Every time I see him, he still asks me how my workouts are going and how much I weigh. I'm only too happy to tell him because he is starting to thin out and the point will come one day when I weigh more than he does. I always ask him if he's doing his push-ups and sit-ups, which he always smiles and fibs a bit and says yes. Grandpa knows most everyone in his living center, and has something to say about each person there (good and bad). He makes sure to walk and do his laps every day to keep moving, but will never argue against going back to his room and hanging out in his favorite chair. After a while with Grandpa, he was getting tired and wanted to nap, so Mom and I took off for the stadium.

Friday at the stadium was a big day. Every Friday home game, the Angels have a fireworks show after the game! Our trip was even more exciting because the tickets we bought were right behind the Angels' dugout, 5 rows up from the field! You have to pay attention for foul balls in those seats. There is no net, no wall, no one to save you if a line-drive foul ball comes your way. I did take the time to consider what to do should a foul ball come our way, and my decision came down to the possibility of diving in front of Mom (always protect the Mom) or breaking my hand by catching it. Lucky for us, no foul ball came our way and our lives were spared. These seats were so amazing that we didn't want to get up to get food. We each only had one hot dog and a drink and that's it. No churros, no ice cream, no nothing. It's like the seats were too good to leave and I wanted to soak in every single minute of being there. After the game, there was a huge fireworks show timed to music. It was great to "ooh" and "ahh" with 50,000 of our closest friends. Plus, it was a good reason to hang out in the stadium while the parking lot cleared out.

That's just reason #313 of why I love Angel stadium. Yes, Dodger stadium is closer, but Angel stadium is so worth the drive. First and foremost, the fans - the fans are the best fans ever. The fans love their team, but they are well-behaved, and more importantly, except their children and family to be well-behaved too. The stadium is very clean, the food is a decent price, the parking lot is so easy to get in and get out of, and parking is even cheaper than Dodger stadium! I love Angel stadium and have no problem making the drive to go see a game. Sadly, the Angels lost to Oakland while we were there, but they'll come around. We'll be back to cheer them on another day!