Monday, January 19, 2009

The Outlander Saga...Completed!

I'm done! I've finished!

After 6 books and 6,807 pages, I have completed the Outlander saga! I've grown to love all the characters (well, only the good ones).

I've laughed out loud, cried, teared up, verbally cheered (when I'm in a room by myself), hoped for good to overcome evil - and smiled on the inside when good gets their revenge - came to love a family I felt like a part of, even worried about them when I had to put the book down, and all around had a fabulous time reading these 6 books. Never since the end of Harry Potter have I been so excited to be finished with a book, or so sad knowing that it's over. I read quickly to get to the end to find out how it turns out, only to purposely slow myself down to savor the last few pages. I am very grateful to have found out about and read these books by Diana Gabaldon.

For anyone who is a historical fiction lover, like myself, these books are definitely for you. They take place in the 1700's, between Scotland and the eastern coast of what would become the United States. I strongly recommend them. Enjoy!

Rumor is that book #7 An Echo in the Bone comes out in June or July! I am very much looking forward to that.

Now the hardest question is...which book do I read next? Happy reading!