Monday, December 01, 2008

Succumbing to the Holiday Spirit

After nearly 5 years of marriage, Kyle and I finally decided to decorate for the holidays and put up a Christmas tree. This is our first Christmas tree EVER, in the history that is Mandi and Kyle.
Yes, the tree is up early, but do not fret, for it is fake. It came with beautiful white lights already on it (bonus for Kyle) and cute little pine cones. We even found our one box of Christmas decorations in the garage, and put up what little ornaments we had on the tree. Now we just have to get the remaining unique ornaments for us kids from mom's house. It does make our little condo feel a bit more like home with the tree lights on at night. We even made our door wreath ourselves. We can be very creative given time, a hot glue gun, and about $10 worth of goodies from Lowe's and Target - and we didn't even fight or argue about who got to do what.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!