Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Proof that a 10 Mile Hike Won't Kill You...

...but it might make you a tad bit sore!
Last weekend whilst Kyle was out golfing (his new Saturday morning ritual), I decided to become one with Mother Nature and go on a hike. I swindled Mom and Dad to go with me. We did the Sulphur Mountain trail in Ojai again, just like when Kyle and I did the same trail a while back. Armed with water, apples, Kleenex (my nose always runs when I hike), and Mom's secret snacks of PB&J and brownies, we set off up the mountain. We were welcomed by hikers and tired doggies coming down the mountain. This time was much different than last time, as it was much hotter, the grass was no longer green but brown, and every time I asked if it was time to turn back, Mom would say "Let's go to the 5 mile marker" and Dad would say "I'm not tired, are you tired?". Finally at 5 miles in, we decide to turn around and walk out. Against all logic, walking out took much longer than hiking in. Dad's foot hurt, Mom's calf hurt, and my knee started to get mad at me. We were the walking wounded, turned gimpy by the mountain - nothing a lunch stop at The Habit for some cheeseburgers and onions rings couldn't fix. However, we did decide next time to go earlier in the morning, perhaps even earlier in the spring to see green grass (no ninja cows on our journey this time), and maybe we should start with a shorter walk and work up to the 10 mile round-tripper. It was fun to hang out with the parents though, even if we did get all sweaty and covered in dirt.

This month also found us at our friend Shawna's house for a BBQ. Everyone got to hang out with everyone else's kids and husbands. We didn't have a kid to bring, so we just acted like kids instead. The picture below is proof that we can eat all the BBQ we want and still not sink the pool raft. We'll have to try harder next time.

Being the clean-freak kids that we are, we also recently had the carpet in our condo professionally cleaned. We've lived here just about two years, and it's about time it was done. I was amazed at all the shoes we have accumulated over time. After 2 people have worked in careers for 9 years, our shoes fill up the bathroom, and we have given some away to the GoodWill! I was also amazed that all our furniture fit in the kitchen. Kyle figured out how it would all go and moved it all in there. I was just the one held hostage in the kitchen with nothing but my laptop and TV remote control for 2 hours after the carpet cleaner guy left. It wasn't too much of a problem, since I could just eat and drink my way through the fridge for 2 hours. However, not having a bathroom in the kitchen made it tough.

Here is our pretty room all nice and clean.

Kyle has also become the best painter ever. He painted our guest room over the weekend, and being the perfectionist that he is, the room was painted, well, perfectly. Now if we could somehow pick a new color to go in our own bedroom with the new comforter, we'd be all set.
Back to Kyle golfing every Saturday morning. Being the Comer kid that I am, and being raised like the Comer kids Mom raised Jason and I to be - left alone long enough, I will tend to entertain myself. This is me entertaining myself one Saturday morning while Kyle was out and about. He came home to my alter-ego Rollerhead. Here's the picture he took, just for fun.

Hope all is well with everyone and that you're out there having fun! Get outside while the getting is good. Pretty soon your knees start to lock up and your ankles hurt and then you turn 31 and it's all down-hill from there. :)