Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Fun, Parties and Christmas

Kyle and I have been pretty busy the last few weeks. We tried to cram as much holiday cheer into one month that we possibly can.
Holiday cheer was kicked-off with much thanks to my Thursday night softball gals at Cindy's annual Christmas party. Those girls really know how to have a great time with friends. We have recently assimilated Emily to our clan, and now have one more fun girl to hang out with on Thursdays.

With Christmas being on a Monday this year, we split time between both parents' houses to spead holiday cheer. The aftermath of Christmas morning at my parents' house is shown above. We also were able to spend time with Joe, who we love lots. We drove over to check out his new house that he just bought, and all the work he is doing on the inside with his own bare hands before he moves in. It is going to look great when he's all done.

After the holidays had passed, Kyle and I spent some time up in Santa Monica, hanging out with Matt and Sarah. Matt grew up with Kyle, but he and Sara now live in North Dakota for Matt's work. We took the day to visit with them, and walk around 3rd Street and the pier. It was great to see them, but also great to just be able to spend some time together out in the sunshine. It's funny how sitting on a pier watching the sun go down, followed by way too much ice cream can really make your day.

Our past two weeks were more like a two-week holiday extravaganza, and now we will go back to work just to get some rest and routine back into our system. Here's to a great start to the new year!