Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Go Outside!

Hello all, 

We've had quite our share of weather these past few weeks. We've had snow, rain and sun, and then back to snow again. Thankfully, I'm not yet one of those people who has enough snow clothes to put them away for winter, as I've heard most mothers complain about lately..."right when we put the clothes away, more snow arrives!" Nope, not me. I have clothes. When it's cold, I put on more clothes. That's it. Correction: Grant has a Snow tote, but he also has real snow pants and jacket, which I'm sure after he eats lunch today won't fit him anymore anyway.

Fun with Pictures
I was going through pictures and came across these two...Me from sword class a few years ago and Grant last October at the pumpkin patch...in case you were wondering where he got that face from.

The Sun!
When the time changed, the sun started attacking Grant on our way to school. He does love his sunglasses, and will hide his eyes with his hands and say "bright!".
Do you want your sunglasses? "YESH PLEEEZE!"
...it bugs me when kids say "ya". I know I did it when I was younger, and I've heard other kids and adults do it, but ever since my brain decided to be a grammar nerd my ears can't take it. Now that Grant has found the talking bug, we've really tried to instill "yes please" and "no thank you".  Now every time he says yes, it comes out with a great roar at the top of his lungs "YESH PLEEEZE!"

Helping Dada
The other weekend was sunny and lovely to be outside. Kyle was wiping down the truck and Grant wanted to help - he LOVES Dada and wants to do whatever Dada is doing. So he grabbed and towel and pitched in.

 He wiped down the doors..

Went around and wiped down all 4 tires...

Then he decided his own vehicle needed cleaning. He wiped down Thomas' face...
 And the top of his head...

 And the back...

And then without any prompting, he stood at attention when he was done, like we were coming to inspect it. It was too funny. We all agreed that Thomas goes much faster now that he was clean.
Speaking of Thomas and trains in general, we have recently discovered that trains outside are much more fun than inside! We grab our trains, we grab the chalk and draw our own track outside, and off we go!

(If you give a mouse a cookie..) If you drive trains on chalk tracks, then they need a bath - not to mention your pants, your shoes, and the entire boy. His shoes and pants were not green when this day started.

Why stop at chalk? Of course trains can go in the sandbox.  The sand makes chugging down the track a little harder, but we manage.

Then of course the trains need a bath again. Miraculously, all the talking trains survived the multiple baths that day. I don't know that I'd throw them in the bathtub, but they did great in the quick little baths throughout the day. I love the kitchen stool we got for Grant. He can't really drag it around to where he wants it, but he can stand next to it and point to it and ask "Momma mooove tool," and then he runs and points to the spot on the ground where he wants it.
You want me to move the stool over there? "YESH PLEEEZE!" Of course we are more than happy to follow orders and move it.

All things trains, all the time. When the weather is not so great, Thomas comes inside and Grant will line up other items behind him to make a longer train. I'm waiting for that day when he figures out how to tie up chairs to Thomas (or the dogs..or a little brother...) and drag them all through the house. With 2 dogs, 1 boy and another boy on the way, I'm totally over trying to keep the floor spotless. We are more into "just don't burn the house down" territory.

Party Like it's 1960!
Our lovely friend had her 40th birthday a few weeks ago and had a fabulous 1960's themed cocktail party (think Mad Men).  Everyone dressed up and looked fantastic. There was champagne tasting led by a professional sommelier, delicious food, and era-appropriate decorations. A great time was had by all. Here is our "let's be serious first" picture. I'm about 16 weeks pregnant.


No party is complete without the smoking and drinking pregnant woman picture.

All in all, we've had a great few weeks. Uncle Jason was just here to visit (more on that in the next blog), and thank you to those who are asking, I feel great. Just about 22 weeks and moving right along. I'll find a picture of me with Grant at 22 weeks and post both shots for comparison. All I can say this time around is that it goes much faster since I'm not calendar watching like I was the first time, plus I'm chasing little man around. The only real difference is that the aches that happened towards the end of the first pregnancy have started to show up earlier, but if that's all I have to complain about, then I'm not complaining one bit.

Until next time, keep exploring!

Love and hugs,
M, K, G, T, O and G calls him, "bebe"