Wednesday, July 08, 2015

BAM! Just Like That, We Are 18 Months Old.

I say WE are 18 months old, because well...first of all, our little guy is 18 months old, but our family is 18 months old too. AND if you can do math and read the previous blog, it has been 6 looong months since we last blogged. Apologies. We've been busy.

And really, now that I get this finally posted, we are nearly 19 months old...sheesh

January and February
January and February meant snow was still on the ground. We ran outside every chance we got. We became very fast at putting on jackets and shoes and grabbing Toby and heading out for a walk in the sunshine in the wagon.

Toby loves to ride in the wagon with Grant, right up until he sees another dog or person he wants to say hi to. Then he jumps out and saunters over. 

In Jan and Feb we weren't walking too much on our own just yet. We could couch-surf and get around, but I wouldn't say walking just yet.

This table was and still is our favorite place to sit and play with toys. It makes for a good cave and train depot. 

March brought us a huge 15-month-old growth spurt. Check out the picture of Grant in the back of the truck. (We loooove Dad's truck!) This picture is from the beginning of March, compared to the picture down the page at the end of March. I think sometimes we put him to bed and when he wakes up he is measurably taller!

Sweet sweet face. Watching our favorite monkey, Curious George.

Chair, milk, and George.  Don't bother me, I'm watching. And yes, yes you see patches on his knees. He wasn't totally walking yet and was still getting around on his hands and knees sometimes. He wore holes through his pants, but since he was so close to walking, I bought patches and patched up his pants as fast as he could wear them out.

I swear he grew a longer neck overnight. 

March also meant it was our 11 year wedding anniversary. We did what any couple would do and packed up the kids (biped and quadruped) and went to the park. 

Look how much taller he is, just at the end of March. Scroll back up to the picture in the beginning of March (I'll wait). Yup, we keep feeding him and he keeps growing. 15 months going on 10 years old. 

In April the sun came out, the flowers bloomed, baseball started up again, and all was well with the universe. 

Walking!!!! We started walking!!! Check out this link to see some fantastic walking, and one excited mom.

Sunday night baseball, Cardinals vs. Cubs

Still loving to play in Dad's truck, and getting bigger by the minute! He has yet to actually ask to drive it, thank goodness. 

April's great weather brought us to the park on many occasions. Our after-park ritual includes everyone in the back of the car for water and snacks, and so mom can pick dirt, plants, bugs and whatever else off us before we climb in the car. I used to pack separate snacks for both the biped and quadruped, but since they share and share alike, now we just have group snacks for everyone. 

Along with May came the sun and heat. It still quite comfortable to be outside though. 
Grant quickly learned how to relax by the pool. We are now professionals in how to play with the water table and plastic pool in the driveway.

Uncle Jason came for a visit! We had so much fun hanging out with him.

We have also realized how much fun a shower can be. Mom likes it because it is much faster than a bath, and Grant likes it because you can run around under water and still manage not to get wet. Mostly he likes to close the door and then bang on the walls for a bit.

Big thanks to Kyle for building Grant a sandbox frame! 
I didn't really want a sandbox on the ground, especially between all the rain we get and the animals and bugs that could climb inside. I saw this idea to get a large tote box instead and build a frame for it. Thankfully, Kyle is a building genius and after I showed him a picture of what I was looking for, BAM! he built it. 

We get haircuts with Dad now at the big boy haircut place. Here we are having a snack outside waiting for Dad to arrive for our appointment. 

Warmer weather means lots of backyard fun. Grant took to the idea of bean bags fairly quickly, although his distance could use some work. He settled for carrying them all to the other side and dropping them in the hole.

 Grant surprises us every day with what he understands, what he can do, and how he communicates back to us. We were outside playing in June, and I was turning on the hose. I told him to grab the end and fill his water table with the water when it came out. I turn on the hose,turn around, and this is what I see. 18 months going on 10 years. 

Toby wasn't happy with the towel I set out for him, so he waiting for the proper opportunity to steal my chair.

Twice a week we have co-op babysitting at our house so another mom and I can go to boot camp together. We have a babysitter come over and Grant gets to play with his new friend while we work out. The babysitter taught them to put the chairs by the window to sit and watch the birds and animals in the yard. Now Grant does this by himself, and he always takes both chairs over. Sometimes he lets us sit in the empty chair, sometimes not. I wonder who he is saving it for - or who is sitting there already?

Grant loves Dad snuggles.

Grant truly has a love of life and fun. He is happy to entertain himself with toys and books, and loves to color at his table. He loves to be outside and to go the park, but also sit and snuggle for a good book or Curious George cartoon. He is a smiler, a giggler, and is starting to show that he is a funny guy with a great personality. Every day is like meeting an old friend and still learning something new about them.  I love spending every minute with my little guy.

More fun from July coming soon!

Until our next adventure, keep on smiling, snuggling and smelling the world around you!
Big hugs,
M, K, G & T