Monday, February 18, 2008

2008 Cal Lu Softball Alumni Game

The ever-exciting annual Cal Lu softball alumni game was held yesterday. And in a sign of favor by the softball gods, (yes, plural, there are more than one) the alumni beat the current team and won! 7-6.
Proof that old age carries more wisdom and knowledge than youth and skill - or we just got lucky. Either way, I don't really remember my back hurting this much the next day after a game when I was in college...ever. My shoulder might be a bit sore too, but I'm chalking that up to old bones, even older ligaments, and my ancient devlish need to win, even if it does mean that I have to throw as hard as I can every time I get the ball, knowing it's going to hurt tomorrow, to get someone out at first.

When I was in college, we beat the alums 4 years in a row, and since then, as an alum, we have officially lost every alumni game since then, as it should be. However, this year we just had tons of fun and went out guns blazing.

As Kyle so kindly pointed out, "Babe, you know a person could have started college as a freshman, graduated, and gone back and done it again since you've been out of college?" (That's 8 whole years.) Yes, punkin, thanks for pointing that out.

No matter what, it was great to be back on the BRAND NEW FIELD at Cal Lu. It's beautiful, and the facilities are all state of the art. It was great to see all my old friends, and be reminded of how much fun can be packed into 4 years of life on the field. It also reminded me how much we used to work out, and how much I miss that part of it. Time to get back in shape!

Thanks to all the players who showed up on their day off to play against a bunch of "old ladies". Thanks to their coach for organizing it. And many many thanks that I am no longer on that team and won't be running with them at practice tomorrow! Ha.