Sunday, October 15, 2006

Let Them Eat Cake

Our little friends Caden and Ava turned 1 year old over the weekend! Fun and cake, or fun with cake, were held at the park on Sunday. Ryan and Cari (a.k.a. the coolest Mom and Dad ever) led the festivities, and a great time was had by all. And what exactly, is the best way to feed cake to two 1 year olds? Just belly them up to the table and let them have at it, of course.
Check out the photos below. Caden is dressed is his dapper golf attire and handsome hat, while Ava is sparkling pink in her dress, tights, and headband with bow. There's nothing like kids covered in cake and laughing to put a smile on your face.

After the party at the park, Kyle and I retreated to the sanctuary known as our nice leather couch and big tv. We found a two hour special on Discovery HD about Italy, and decided to spend the time to watch it. Of course, we had to open a bottle of wine and get out the cheese and crackers to really enjoy the 2 hour special. All this, and it wasn't even 4:00 yet. Sunday afternoons are the greatest invention ever.