Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mandi and Kyle go on vacation - separately

It has come to that time in our marriage where we start taking separate vacations. No, not really.

Next week is the big "Boys Weekend Out" (see blog below). Kyle and three friends will be in the great city of Chicago for their three sports in three days extravaganza.

That gives me 4 days home alone. Do I sit at home and enjoy the peace and quiet? Nope. I'm off to Oakland to play at Grandpa Jake's house for the weekend and see what kind of trouble I can get in to. Mom is there already, having fun and playing in Grandpa's big back yard, planting in the garden and making his house bee-u-tiful. We'll be sure to post pictures of both our adventures when we get back.

In other news, we are making a serious attempt to get back in shape. We are making the effort to give up soda and beer. Therefore, we are left with water and other alcohol, or any drink made from water, such as iced tea and the like. Soda is allowed only when mixed with alcohol. So far, we've been doing pretty good. I'd like to blame this great idea (as we do with most of our ideas) on Kyle's friend Ryan, who always seems to introduce us into our collective bad habits. What's left to drink you say? Well, one can only drink water for so long, so we have recently become addicted to Pellegrino. Yes, the green bottle full of water with carbonation pumped into it. It's good, it's addictive, and it makes your mouth bubble like you just had soda. It's a start. I'm hoping to kick this habit after a while. So far, we are two days without soda and counting.